Journal Articles

Thomas J. Freeman, Aaron McKain, Amy Parrish, and Christopher Chochon, The Roberts Court and Compulsory Collective Bargaining, Geo. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y, Vol. 21, Issue 1 (2023).

Thomas J. Freeman, Aaron McKain & Destynie J.L. Sewell, Janus and the Future of Collective Bargaining: Rhetorically Predicting a First Amendment Right to Negotiation, 11 Wm. & Mary Bus. L. Rev. 609 (2020). 

Conference Papers

Freeman, Thomas J., McKain, Aaron, and Exsted, Marci, Using the Lens of Narrative Theory to Rethink Digital Ethics, International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC) (October 2022) (First Runner-up, Primeaux Award, presented to best paper from the conference).

Freeman, Thomas J., McKain, Aaron, Let Them All Eat Cake: Rhetorically Mapping Religious Freedom, LGBTQIA Discrimination, and The First Amendment After Janus and Masterpiece, MALSB/MBAA Annual Conference Proceedings (March 2021). (MALSB Outstanding Paper Award).

Freeman, Thomas J., McKain, Aaron, and Sewell, Destynie J.L, Janus and the Future of Collective Bargaining: Rhetorically Predicting a First Amendment Right to Negotiation, MALSB/MBAA Annual Conference Proceedings (March 2019).

Other Publications

Freeman, Thomas J, McKain, Aaron, Lampe, Margo, Juday, Hannah, and Bleichrodt, Molly, Advising Companies on Data Collection and the Use of Automated Decision Making, Nebraska Lawyer, May/June 2023.

Freeman, Thomas J., McKain, Aaron, Hall, Samson, Masi, Joseph, Mandolfo, Matthew, Britto, Madeleine, Bartz, Michael, Harper, William, Karsky, Kylie, Compton, Meagan, and Atamov, Emily, A Legal Guide to Digital Ethics Issues for Attorneys, The Law, International Journal, Spring 2023.

Freeman, Thomas J, McKain, Aaron, Hall, Samson, with Creighton students Joseph Masi, Michael Bartz, William Harper, Kylie Karsky, Madeleine Britto, C.J. Braccia, Emily Atamov, Ava Verzani, and Clare Hart, Principles of Digital Law and Ethics, CPI TechREG Chronicle, Special Issue on Machine Learning, Feb 2023.

Freeman, Thomas J, McKain, Aaron, and Hall, Samson, with Creighton students Joseph Masi, Matthew Mandolfo, Madeleine Britto, Michael Bartz, William Harper, Kylie Karsky, Meagan Compton, Emily Atamov, the Creighton Business Law Research Forum, and the Institute for Digital Humanity, A Primer on Digital and Data Science Ethics, Neb. Law. Sept/Oct 2022.

Freeman, Thomas J., Dealing with Algorithmic Injustice, The Law; International Journal, July 2022.

Freeman, Thomas J., McKain, Aaron, and Hall, Samson, The Legal Implications of Algorithmic Decison-Making, Neb. Law., May/June 2020, at 25.

Freeman, Thomas J. and McKain, Aaron, As Technology Evolves, So Will the Law, and So Must Attorneys, Neb. Law., July/August 2019, at 9.

Freeman, Thomas J., Civil Asset Forfeiture: How a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision will change the rules, Interchange Magazine (March/April 2019)

Peterson, Douglas J. and Freeman, Thomas J., Report on Investigation of Goodwill Omaha (June 2018)

Freeman, Thomas J., Best Practices for a Nonprofit Organization (June 2018)

Freeman, Thomas J., Protecting Our Seniors: Emerging Issues in Elder Law and Resources for Prevention and Reporting Neb. Law., May/June 2018, at 17.

Freeman, Thomas J., Justice Denied: How a Gaping Hole in Nebraska Law Deprives Those Appearing Before Administrative Boards of Justice Neb. Law., May/June 2012 at 21.

Freeman, Thomas J., Discriminating Against Discrimination Cases Neb. Law., April 2008 at 12.